SEDAR Filings
For a complete list of Kilo's public securities documents visit our profile on the SEDAR web site. The dates below represent the SEDAR filing date.
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- Annual Information Form
A source of additional investor information not included in Kilo’s prospectus or annual financial statements.
- Early Warnings Reports
The TSX Venture Exchange requires shareholders to notify the market when shareholdings reach 10% and thereafter every time an additional 2% is acquired.
- Material Change Reports
“Material change” is a change in an issuer's business, operations or capital that would reasonably be expected to have a significant effect on the market price or value of any of the issuer's securities or a decision to implement such a change by the issuer's board of directors or by senior management of the issuer who believe that the board's confirmation of the decision is probable (OSA definition).
- Notice of Meeting
The TSX Venture Exchange requires Kilo to file a copy of each notice of meeting, form of proxy, information circular, or other document provided to its Shareholders in respect of a Shareholder meeting except where such documents have already been filed and are available on SEDAR.
- Prospectus
A document issued by a company that wants to raise money from the public by offering shares in the company or a trust. It must contain all the information you or your adviser would need to make an informed decision about investing in the company, including what the company plans to do with the funds raised.
3 May 2011 (Final)
21 Apr 2011 (Final short form)
31 Jul 2007 (Final)
29 Jun 2007 (Preliminary short form)
- Proxy Circular
The proxy circular, or information circular, is the document mailed to shareholders (along with a meeting notice and proxy card if applicable) and filed with securities regulators preceding an annual or special meeting of company shareholders. Amongst other things, the proxy circular generally sets forth information with respect to matters which include who can vote at the meeting, the business of the meeting, corporate governance, executive and board composition and compensation, and any proposals that may be submitted by shareholders.
- Technical Reports
National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and administered by the provincial securities commissions that governs how issuers disclose scientific and technical information about their mineral projects to the public. It covers oral statements as well as written documents and websites. It requires that all disclosure be based on advice by a "qualified person" and in some circumstances that the person be independent of the issuer and the property.
13 Apr 2011 (Maiden inferred resource estimate)
4 Mar 2009 (Amended & restated technical report)
1 Oct 2008
Last updated: 19 Nov 2011